The game is played for life points. At the beginning of the game each player has 30 points, during the game, they are burned.
At the beginning, everybody is given with five cards, five cards are laid out into the player’s pools, and four into a common pool, then rounds starts.
Further, each round consists of several phases.
Initial phase.
A new card is laid out into a common pool and one card is given to each player. The card laid in a common pool is considered its first card and its effects of a common pool (if available) are activated.
Phase of basic combinations.
The player, whose lead is first in this round, puts one card into his pool and announces (if he can) the combinations. If the defensive or attacking combination consists of at least three cards, the standard effects of this card are activated (see Section "Combinations formation...") and the player is able to activate the individual effects of cards of his pool, what he does, if desired.
The lead is passed to the next player.
Likewise, other players do at a time.
After all players have made their lead, the phase of basic combinations ends.
Phase of additional combinations.
Players take turns, starting with the player, whose lead was first in this round may put one card in their pool, forming additional defensive and/or attacking combination. Each of these combinations may involve not more than two cards, already engaged in other player’s combinations. Standard effects of the additionally laid out cards are activated (if the length of one combination formed by this card is at least three cards). Further, the player can activate the individual effects of cards of his pool. During the round, the individual effect of each card can be activated not more than once.
These actions can be repeated several times by the players, observing their sequence.
When no player puts the card and activates the individual effects, phase of additional combinations ends.
Phase of stacks.
In this phase, the stack of instant effects is granted firstly and, after that, the main stack. The order of stacks effects grant is inverse to the effects receipt into the stack. That is the last effect entered the stack shall be granted first.
If the previously granted effect is in conflict with later, the first has the priority. Example: the effect of Dragon limits the value of defensive combination, even if later this combination has been supported by the activated Guardsman.
Phase of combination cost calculation.
Then the calculation of players’ combinations cost and the payment of activated individual effects are taken place. Writing-off of attack/defence points for the use of individual effects is produced for each combination on the player's choice. If necessary, life points are deducted for the overrun of attack/defence points earned.
Phase "at the end of the round".
The events with the execution time "at the end of the round" are granted. The order of these events are granted: the first granted events are the events of the first player, whose lead was the first in this round in a convenient for him manner; further, similarly, the events of other players take place in turn.
Phase of combat damage calculation.
Players take turns to distribute and announce the attack points remained after the payment of individual card effects for hitting other players that is a hit of what force will be for each of the opponents. Since the attacking player can have several attacking combinations (some of them with special properties, such as "flight"), this operation is carried out for each of these combinations.
For each player combat damage is calculated for each pair [defensive combination vs attacking combination]: Combat Damage = Attack_force - Defence_force. If combat damage is positive, the number of player’s lives is reduced by the amount of combat damage, and Defence_force is nulled. If combat damage is zero or negative, then Attack_force is reduced by Defence_force.
Phase of cards laydown.
The pool of each player should contain no more than 5 cards - extra cards are thrown off in discard on player's choice.
The common pool should contain no more than 4 cards - extra cards are thrown off in discard, starting with the oldest (which got into a common pool before the others).
If artefact characteristics were appointed during a round - they are laid down.
Round results.
The round is over, the players with the number of lives 0 and less leave the game. The next round must be started by player next in turn.